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Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation Series


If you have been wanting to learn more about mindfulness and meditation, this four-part series is for you.


You will learn about mindfulness, how to incorporate it into your life and into your meditation. Discover through meditation, mindfulness of thoughts and emotions, the importance of a wise heart, and how to bring this practice realistically into the world.


April 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th

11:30 AM- 12:30 PM




Pincha Mayurasana

Have you ever been interested in learning how to do Pincha Mayurasana?


In this workshop, we will breakdown Pincha pose and explore the ins and outs of this inversion.


We will focus on the strengthening tools needed and learn the specific techniques required to master this challenging inversion!


Pre-registration is required! We are limiting this workshop to a small group. It is essential to learn how to Pincha with an experienced teacher that can see your body and give you direct feedback!


April 28th






Free Yoga


Free Community Classes


Join our newest teacher training graduates as they hone their skills and offer up a free class to the public!


60 minutes, heated open level flow classes.


Sunday, April 14th & 21st


Enhance your yoga!


Essential Oil Elevation


Elevate your healthy lifestyle! Incorporate the purest, highest quality oils into your daily life. Learn simple, easy, doable habits that will help balance and heal. 1 on 1 sessions available.  Schedule with the studio today!


Metabolic Reset

The Meta PWR system is program that retrains your metabolism to smooth glucose spikes which reverses biological aging! Contact us today to learn more or click link below!

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